Mini Projects


A rebranded version of “Rocket Chat Electron” for Nikan High School. Produced 2021 Summer. Supporting Linux, Windows and Android.

Javascript, Electron, ReactNative

Cinematic Simple Simulator

A simple simulator for cinematic physics. It visualize movements on velocity-time and X-time charts! You can declare and change velocity and add many objects as you want. You can also move objects by keyboard! We can also set some checkpoints for pausing the sim and modifying the settings.

C#, winform

Line Gebra

Visualize algebra expressions on the chart!

Python, Tkinter, Matplotlib


A web application That Solves Chess Algorithm Problems (Nqueens, Nrook, …) with the help of Ebrahimpour! Written in Javascript.

Recursive Algorithms, Bootstrap 4, Javascript

Sudoku Solver

Web application for solving Sudoku puzzles. Written in Javascript.

Recursive Algorithms, Bootstrap 4, Javascript

N Equation Solver

N Equation Solver Web APP

Algorithms, Bootstrap 4, Javascript

Mine Sweeper

Winform application focusing on recursive algorithms. This project was co-written by Ebrahimpour.

Recursive Algorithms, C#, Winform

Tomato Paste!

A Paste Bin Written in core. It is using React for the client and ReactStrap for layout. you can write your codes there and share them with your friends or use them in your projects! this project uses Monaco editor, the same editor as visual studio code. Core 5, Entity Framework Core, Sqlite, Javascript, React, ReactStrap


This application contains the following sections.

  1. introducing Manouchehri Damghani
  2. his poems
  3. the color element in the poems
  4. a fun tool
React, MUI, Jupyter, Python

25 + 5 Clock

Javascript, React.js


Javascript, React.js

Markdown Previewer

Javascript, Marked.js, jQuery

Random Quote Machine

Javascript, jQuery

Food Recipes

Search and find interesting data about foods and their recipes.

C#, Xamarin

Pizza Designer

A Winform application for customizing pizzas. You can define as many steps as you want in the database.

C#, Winform, MS SQL Server

Number Facts

You can find out funny and interesting facts about each number. this app uses API.

C#, Xamarin


MMC “model manager container” is a docker container that acts as a Reverse Proxy but with other options like admin panel, auth, etc. It is developed using Django.

Python, Django, Docker


Sherver (Shams Web Server) is a really simple web server using http.server python module.


Parvin Poems

If you are interested in Parvin Etesami Poems this is a really great plugin for you. every time you navigate to a page of your admin panel you’ll see a Poem by Parvin!

WordPress, Php

Translate Skype Bot

A bot, for using Google Translate on your skype!

Name: Translate Bot
Skype Name: live:.cid.6143fd56aaec18b0


Hafez Skype Bot

A bot, that when you send a message to it, it will send a Hafez Faal for you.

Name: Hafez Bot
Skype Name: live:.cid.981f277d7a6c6e73


Numbers Facts Bot

Send a number and get some interesting facts about the number.

Name: Number Facts
Skype Name: live:.cid.6143fd56aaec18b0


Hafez Web

You can get Hafez Faals with this react App.

Javascript, React, ReactStrap

Hafez Firefox

Hafaz Firefox Extension

Javascript, React, ReactStrp

Hafez API

Hafez Fal API developed using Express.js available on rapid api.

Javascript, Node Js, Express.js

Hafez Android

Android Version Of Hafez Web using Ionic Capacitor!

Javascript, React, Ionic

Hafez Desktop

The desktop version of Hafez Web using Electron!

Javascript, React, Electron

Food Crud Example

An core rest API with UWP, Android (Xamarin), and web (react) clients.


You can test API with swagger UI here


run Install.ps1 with PowerShell to install the app.


C#, Core 5, Entity Framework Core, Open API, Xamarin, Android, UWP

Php Member

PHP version of Asp Employment written in laravel and bootstrap.

PHP, Laravel, Sqlite, Bootstrap4


PHP version of Asp Book written in laravel and bootstrap.

PHP, Laravel, MySql, Bootstrap4, Javascript

Url Shorter

Url Shorting Service Written in core and React. using ReactStrap for layout. and using SQLite as the database. Core, Entity Framework, React, ReactStrap

Shorter Xamarin

Xamarin Client for Url Shorter Project.

C#, Xamarin

Number Puzzle

Number Puzzle was written in javascript.


Image Puzzle

Image Puzzle was Written in Javascript.


Bubble Game

A Webapp game, written in javascript. you should blow bubbles with bigger numbers.


Book Manager

Book Management Portal Written by and using SQL-Server

C#, MS SQL Server, Webform

Contact Book

Online Contact Portal Using Ajax Technology. written in .net and javascript.

C#, MS SQL Server, Webform

Asp Employment

Employment Portal Written By, using SQL-server

C#, MS SQL Server, Webform